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Beer of the Week #14: Historic Brewing Pie Hole Porter

Oktoberfest and marzen season will be over before you know it, and the porters and stouts will be back in full swing; and what better one to start with than one of Flagstaff, Arizona's finest: Historic Brewing Co.'s Piehole Porter.

Take the name or leave it, but this 5.5% ABV cherry-vanilla porter packs fantastic flavor, but doesn't sit heavy like many darker beers do. While their main taproom is found in historic downtown Flagstaff, Piehole Porter can be found across the state--it's Historic's flagship beer, and it's easy to see why.

Enjoying a pint in Historic Brewing's taproom.

Starting off with semi-sweet notes of chocolate and just a little bit of coffee, it then gives way to a perfectly balanced vanilla and cherry flavor to finish each sip off. While it pours a cola-like color with a thin head, it really doesn't have the same density you'd expect from a porter--whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you, but for me, I'm just fine with it!

Historic Brewing Co. in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Historic also brews seasonal varieties of this tasty beer, including a Pumpkin Piehole in the fall, and my personal favorite, the Picnic Piehole for the summer (that's a cherry-vanilla wheat beer for all of you wondering).

The Picnic Piehole.

In conclusion, I give it an expert rating of eight window-sill-pies-whose-steam-makes-you-levitate-over-to out of ten. So, grab a pint or six pack and stick it in your pie hole, you slob.

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